Leander City Hall

Leander City Hall
(Leander City Hall, Statesman archive photo)

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Leander ISD forced to reform debt

Yesterday The Community Impact posted “Leander ISD tackles debt”.  (A link to the article is here -- https://communityimpact.com/austin/leander-cedar-park/education/2016/09/14/leander-isd-tackles-debt/ )  The article commends Leander ISD board members and administration for improving the district's debt situation and working with Texas lawmakers to improve a new law concerning school debt financing. 

In 2015 the Texas Legislature passed HB 114.  The law limits the use of Capital Appreciation Bonds (CABs) by school districts to 25% of total debt and limits the bonds to a maximum term of 20 years.    Representative Tony Dale of Cedar Park was one of the co-authors of the bill and noted in the article that Leander ISD was at an astonishing 70% debt funding through CABs.   The use of CABs had become a significant concern not only in Leander ISD but throughout Texas and other states like California and Michigan.  Opponents to CABs saw the liability balloon that was being created with bonds where interest was being deferred far into the future, thereby risking future financial soundness and passing current expenses on to future students and taxpayers decades into the future.

During the 2013 Leander ISD School Board elections the incumbents faced mounting pressure from constituents over the use of CABs.  An example of the concerns from 2013 can be found here -- http://watchdog.org/114596/texas-schools-pass-debt-next-generation/.   Pam Waggoner, Grace Barber-Jordan, and Russell Bundy were all re-elected to the board despite debt financing concerns, and these three members are again running for re-election this year.  The Community Impact article is timely relative to the ongoing fiscal management of Leander ISD and the upcoming elections.

Due to the passage of HB 114 in 2015 school districts like Leander ISD are forced to change their debt financing practices.   It is a positive step that we are no longer discussing whether Leander ISD should continue to utilize large amounts of CABs and instead are finding sounder ways to finance the debt of the growing district.  Many Texans would have preferred the issue to be resolved locally without taking corrective action through statewide legislation; however, Texas lawmakers have prudently directed school districts back toward fiscal soundness.

The Texas Comptroller’s website provides more information on Capital Appreciation Bonds (CABS) along with pros and cons -- http://comptroller.texas.gov/fiscalnotes/march2016/cab.php.